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Articles by John E. McLain

Prior to his retirement as a career flight instructor, John McLain accrued over 18,000 flight hours of which more than 13,000 were dual given. He has conducted over 4000 flight tests in his twenty-five years as a designated pilot examiner. These articles first appeared in The Southern Aviator and are reprinted with John's permission.

Logging Pilot In Command Time
John E. McLain (August 2004)

A recent letter to the editor raised the question of Pilot in Command (PIC) and whether a safety pilot could log PIC time. This is one of those “can of worms” questions.
In my opinion, the …

The Voice of Experience
John E. McLain (July 2004)

It has been my pleasure in the past few months to administer instructor renewal flight tests to three gentlemen, each of whom has been instructing for more than 50 years. My 39 years of instructing …

The dreaded stall spin accident
John E. McLain (June 2004)

How can you avoid the stall spin accident? Yaw is as much a culprit in causing these accidents as a stall. We all know that the improper use of rudder is the main cause of …

Three ways to train: The right way, the wrong way, and the FAA way
John E. McLain (April 2004)

Years ago when I was serving my time with Uncle Sam, a favorite phrase was “there are three ways to do something: the right way, the wrong way, and the Army way.” The more I …

Be Prepared: When faced with an emergency, multi-engine pilots should remember the Boy Scout motto
John E. McLain (June 2003)

The key to any emergency is the Boy Scouts’ motto: Be prepared.
The good multi-engine pilot must be prepared for an engine failure. But what goes into being prepared? And what elements must the pilot consider …

Who’s in charge here?
John E. McLain (December 2002)

There seems to be ongoing confusion about who can log pilot in command time under the provisions of FAR Part 61. Unfortunately, most of this concern fails to consider the more important definition of pilot …